In Brief: A hamburger joint that met our GF needs without a hitch. They handled our special requests easily, the wait staff was well educated in the ways of the kitchen and the meal came off perfectly, and GF!
When my wife and I think of going to a burger joint we don't plan on her usually eating with me, the risks of cross contamination are too great. Cheeseburger Island Style was the exception to that rule. My wife decided that she wanted to try a getting a burger without a bun. So we started the meal off with the cileac diet explanation and dietary explanation card. Our waitress immediately understood the diet, and was quick to put us at ease. She explained how the grill was set up; how only burgers were cooked in one section of the grill, how the buns never touched the grill, how the meat with marinade was cooked on a separate part of the gill, etc., etc. It was clear after a few minutes with her that she knew her stuff.
To be safe she checked with the kitchen to make sure that the meal could include the toppings; things like lettuce, tomato, pickle, etc. without risk of cross contamination. She came back to tell us that the toppings would be safe and explained the compartmental style of the kitchen.
I was very impressed with this restaurant. The place was 'crazy busy' yet the wait staff handled our request with style and didn't make us feel like they were too busy to deal with a special diet.
Our experience here proves the point made in earlier blog posts; an educated wait staff and a professional kitchen can make any restaurant a great GF experience. We had no problem getting a GF meal at Cheeseburger Island Style, I hope you have the same experience.
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